
Holmes Lake, Lincoln NE


Creagar, M., Rebarber, R., and Tenhumberg, B.: Spatial Evolutionary Public Goods Game Theory Applied to Optimal Resource Allocation and Defense Strategies in Herbaceous Plants, in press, Theoretical Population Biology.

Becklin, S., Jin, Y., Rebarber, R, and Tenhumberg, B.: Spatial Dynamics of a pest population with stage structure and control, in press, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology.


Samuel J. L. Gascoigne, Simon Rolph, Daisy Sankey, Nagalakshmi Nidadavolu, Adrian S. Stell Pičman, Christina M. Hernández, Matthew E. R. Philpott, Aiyla Salam, Connor Bernard, Erola Fenollosa, Young Jun Lee, Jessie McLean, Shathuki Hetti Achchige Perera, Oliver G. Spacey, Maja Kajin, Anna C. Vinton,  C. Ruth Archer, Jean H. Burns, Dylan Z. Childs, Pol Capdevila, Aldo Compagnoni, Elizabeth Crone, Thomas H. G. Ezard, Dave Hodgson, Tiffany M. Knight, Owen R. Jones, Eelke Jongejans, Jenni McDonald, Brigitte Tenhumberg, Chelsea C. Thomas, Andrew J. Tyre, Satu Ramula, Iain Stott, Raymond L. Tremblay, Phil Wilson, James W. Vaupel, Roberto Salguero-Gómez: A standard protocol to report discrete stage-structured demographic information, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (

Laubmeier. A. N, Tabassum, N., and Tenhumberg, B.: Temperature fluctuation alters optimal predator community composition for anticipated biological control, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:998396
(doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.998396).

Tenhumberg, B.*, Dellinger, A.S., and Smith, S.D.: Modeling pollinator and non-pollinator selection on flower color variation, Journal of Ecology, 111 (4), 746-760 (


Watts JC, Hebets, E.A., and Tenhumberg, B: Mate sampling behavior determines the density-dependence of sexual selection, The American Naturalist 200 (4), 467-485. 

Edholm, C., Guiver, C., Rebarber, R., Tenhumberg, B., and Townley, S. Stabilization by adaptive feedback control for positive difference equations with applications in pest management. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON) 60 (4), 2214-2245.

Kody Holmes, Rodrigo Werle, John Lindquist, Melinda Jerka, Richard Rebarber, and Tenhumberg, B: Herbicide resistance evolution in Johnsongrass, Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 103 (2) 1-3 (

Kody Holmes, Rodrigo Werle, John Lindquist, Melinda Jerka, Richard Rebarber, and Tenhumberg, B: Modeling the evolution of herbicide resistance in weed species with a complex life cycle, Ecological Applications 32 (1) e02473 (


Tyre, A.J. and B. Tenhumberg: Making harvest management decisions robust to uncertainty, In: Eds Pope, K & Powell, L., Harvest of Fish and Wildlife: New Paradigms for Sustainable Management, CRC Press (

Reichenbach, M., Rebarber, R. and Tenhumberg, B.: Spectral properties of a non-compact operator in Biology, Journal of Mathematical Biology 82(6), 50 (

Guiver, C., Poppelreiter, N., Rebarber, R., Tenhumberg, B., and Townley, S. Dynamic Observers for Unknown Populations,, Discrete and Continuous Systems Series B 26 (6): 3279-3302 (doi: 10.3934/dc2020232).Discrete and Continuous Systems Series B 26 (6): 3279-3302 (

Watts JC, and Tenhumberg, B. Optimal resource allocation and prolonged dormancy strategies in herbaceous plants. Journal of Ecology 109 (1), 218-233 (


Bogdziewicz, M.; Calama, R.; Crone, E.; Espelta, J.; Lesica, P.; Marino, S.; Steele, M.; Tenhumberg, B.; Tyre, A.; Zywiec, M., and Kelly, D.: Fecundity and masting patterns: large reproductive variability and low synchrony in small and unproductive plants. Annals of Botany 126 (5). 971-979 (

Laubmeier, A.N., Rebarber, R., and Tenhumberg, B. Optimal predator communities for prey suppression demonstrate diversity in body mass and foraging area, Ecosphere 11 (10), e03271.


Watts J. C., Flynn, A., Tenhumberg, B. and Hebets, E. A. Contemporary sexual selection does not explain intraspecific variation in male display traits, Evolution 73 (9), 1927-1940  (

Pereira, A. E., Tenhumberg, B., Meinke, L.J., Siegfried, B.D. Southern corn rootworm adult emergence and population growth assessment after selection with vacuolar-ATPase-A dsRNA over multiple generations, Journal of Economic Entomology 113 (3), 1354-1364.


Haridas, C. V. and Tenhumberg, B. Modeling effects of ecological factors on evolution of polygenic pesticide resistance, Journal of Theoretical Biology 456, 224-232 (

Jadeja, S., and Tenhumberg, B. Presence of fruits decrease probability of retaining flowers in a sequentially flowering plant, AoB PLANTS 10 ply033,

Edholm, C. J., Tenhumberg, B., Guiver, C., Jin, Y., and Townley, S., Rebarber, R., Management of Invasive Insect Species using Optimal Control Theory,  Ecological Modelling 381, 36-45.

Tenhumberg, B., Crone, E.E., Ramula, S, and Tyre, A.J. Time lagged effects of weather on plant demography: drought and Astragalus scaphoides, Ecology 99, 915-925.

Watts J.C., Herrig A., Miller M., Jones T.C., and Tenhumberg B., Temporal variation in predation risk may explain daily rhythms of foraging behavior in an orb-weaving spider, American Naturalist 191, 74-87.


Jadeja, S., and Tenhumberg, B. Phytophagous insect oviposition shifts in response to probability of flower abortion owing to presence of basal fruits, Ecology and Evolution 7, 8770–8779.

Eager, E.A., Pilson, D., Alexander, H., and Tenhumberg, B., Assessing the influence of stochastic autocorrelations on the population dynamics of a disturbance specialist plant population in a random environment, American Naturalist 190, 570-583.

Werle, R., Tenhumberg,B., and Lindquist, J. L.:Modeling the Evolution of Shattercane Resistance to ALS-Inhibiting Herbicides in an ALS-Tolerant Sorghum Cropping System, Ecological Modeling, 343, 131-141. [Reprint]


Haridas, C. V.,  Meinke, L. J., Hibbard, B. E., Siegfried, B., Tenhumberg, B.  Density-dependent survival and temporal variation in temperature: Implications for insect population dynamics, Ecosphere 7 (5) e01287. 10.1002/ecs2.1287

Guiver, C., Mueller, M., Edholm, C., Rebarber, R., Jin, Y., Tenhumberg, B., Powell, J., and Townley, S. (2016) Simple adaptive control for positive linear systems with applications to pest management. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 76, 238-275. [Reprint]


Callahan, J., Rebarber, R., Strawbridge, E., Tenhumberg, B., Yuan, S.: Analysis of a coupled, n-patch population model with ceiling density dependence. International Journal of Difference Equations, 10, 137-159. [Reprint]

Forbes, V. E., Brain, R., Edwards, D., Galic, N., Hall, T., Honegger, J., Meyer, C., Moore, D. R. J, Nacci, D., Pastorok, R., Preuss, T. G., Railsback, S. F., Salice, C., Sibly, R. M., Tenhumberg, B., Thorbek, P., Wang, M. Assessing pesticide risks to threatened and endangered species using population models, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 11, 348-354. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Suwa, T., Tyre, A.J., Russell, L., and Louda, S.M. (2015) Integral projection models show exotic thistle is more limited than native thistle by ambient competition and herbivory, Ecosphere 6, art69. [Reprint]

Nolting, B. C., Hinkelman, T. M., Brassil, C. E., and Tenhumberg, B. (2015) Composite random search strategies based on non-directional sensory cues, Ecological Complexity 22, 126-138. [Reprint]

Haridas, C.V., Keeler, K. H., and Tenhumberg, B. (2015): Variation in the local population dynamics of the short-lived Opuntia macrorhiza (Cactaceae), Ecology 96, 800-807.  [Reprint]

Guiver, C., Logemann, H., Rebarber, R., Bill, A., Tenhumberg, B., Hodgson, D., and Townley, S. (2015) Integral control for population management, Journal of Mathematical Biology 70, 1015-1063.  [Reprint]


Haridas, C.V., Eager, E. A., Rebarber, R., and Tenhumberg, B. Frequency-dependent population dynamics: Effect of sex ratio and mating system on the elasticity of population growth rate, Theoretical Population Biology 97, 49-56. [Reprint]

Eager, E. A., Rebarber. R., Tenhumberg, B.: Modeling and analysis of a density-dependent stochastic integral projection model for a disturbance specialist plant and its seed bank, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 76, 1809-1834.  [Reprint]

Eager, E. A., Rebarber, R., and Tenhumberg, B.: Global asymptotic stability of plant-seed bank models, Journal of Mathematical Biology 69, 1-37. [Reprint]

Prendeville, H.R., Tenhumberg, B., and Pilson, D.: Effects of virus on plant fecundity and population dynamics, New Phytologist, 202, 1346-1356. [Reprint]

Eckberg, J.O., Tenhumberg, B., and Louda, S.M.: Native insect herbivory limits population growth rate of a non-native thistle, Oecologia 175, 129-138. [Reprint

Siegfried, B. D., Rangasamy, M., ,Wang, H.,, Spencer,T.,  Haridas, C.V., Tenhumberg, B., Sumerford, D. V., and Storer, N. P.: Estimating the frequency of Cry1F resistance in field populations of the European Corn Borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Pest Management Science, 70, 725-733. [Reprint]

Purandare, S.R, Tenhumberg, B., and Brisson, J.: Comparison of the wing polyphenic response of pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) to crowding and predator cues, Ecological Entomology 39, 263-266. [Reprint]


Eager, E. A., Herbert M., Hellwig, E., Hernadez, F., Rebarber, R., Tenhumberg, B. and Wigiantio, B.: Global attracting aquilibria for coupled systems with ceiling density dependence, International Journal of Difference Equations  8, 179-193. [Reprint]

Hinkelman, T. M., and Tenhumberg, B. Larval performance and kill rate of convergent ladybird beetles, Hippodamia convergens, on black bean aphids, Aphis fabae, and pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum, Journal of Insect Science 13, Article 45. Available online: http//

Eager, E., Haridas, C.V., Pilson, D., Rebarber, R., and  Tenhumberg, B. Disturbance frequency and vertical distribution of seeds affect long-term population dynamics: a mechanistic seed bank model, The American Naturalist, 182, 180-190. [Reprint

Haridas, C. V., Prendeville, H. R., Pilson, D., Tenhumberg, B.: Response of population size to changing vital rates in random environments, Theoretical Ecology 6, 21-29. [Reprint]

Ledder, G., and Tenhumberg, B. Creating an interdisciplinary research course in mathematical ecology, In: G. Ledder, J. P. Carpenter, and T. D. Comar (eds), Undergraduate mathematics for the life sciences: processes, models, and directions, Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Notes series, 81, p. 133-138. [Reprint]

Ledder, G., and Tenhumberg, B., and Adams, T.G. An interdisciplinary research course in theoretical ecology for young undergraduates, In: G. Ledder, J. P. Carpenter, and T. D. Comar (eds), Undergraduate mathematics for the life sciences: models, processes, and directions, Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Notes series, 81, p. 69-82. [Reprint]


Eckberg, J.O., Tenhumberg, B., and Louda, S.M. Insect herbivory and propagule pressure influence Cirsium vulgare invasiveness across the landscape, Ecology 93, 1787-1794. [Reprint]

Purandare, S. R., and Tenhumberg, B. Influence of aphid honeydew on the foraging behavior of Hippodamia convergens larvae (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Ecological Entomology 37, 184-192.[Reprint]

Rebarber, R., Tenhumberg, B., and Townley, S. Global asymptotic stability of density dependent integral projection models, Theoretical Population Biology 81, 81-87. [Reprint]

Townley, S, Rebarber, R., and Tenhumberg, B. A feedback control systems analysis of density dependent population dynamics, Systems & Control Letters 61, 309-315. [Reprint]

Eager, E., Rebarber, R., and Tenhumberg, B. Choice of density-dependent seedling recruitment function effects predicted transient dynamics: A case study with Platte thistle, Theoretical Ecology 5, 387-401.[Reprint]


Louda, S. M., Rand, T. A., Kula A. A. R., Arnett A. E., West, N., and Tenhumberg, B. Priority resource access mediates competitive intensity between an invasive weevil and native floral herbivores, Biological Invasion, 13: 2233-2248. [Reprint]

Keeler, K., and Tenhumberg, B. Population dynamics of western prickly pear,Opuntia macrorhiza (Cactaceae). Southwestern Naturalist, 56(2), 147–153. [Reprint]


Tenhumberg, B. Ignoring population structure can lead to erroneous predictions of population size. Nature Education Knolwedge, 1(10): 2,

Briggs, J., Dabbs, K., Riser-Espinoza, D., Holm, M., Lubben, J., Rebarber, B.,Tenhumberg, B. An Introduction to Integral Population Modeling. Mathematics Magazine 83, 243-257. [Reprint]

Miller, T.E.X., and Tenhumberg, B. Contributions of demography and dispersal parameters in the spatial spread of a stage-structured insect invasion: a comparison of local and global perturbation analyses. Ecological Applications 20, 620-633. [Reprint]


Lubben, J., Boeckner, D.,  Rebarber, R., Townley, S. and Tenhumberg, B. Parameterizing the growth-decline boundary for uncertain population projection models. Journal of Theoretical Biology 75, 85-97. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Tyre, A.J., and Rebarber, R. Model complexity affects transient population dynamics following a dispersal event: A case study with pea aphids. Ecology 90, 1878-1890. [Reprint]


Miller, T.E.X., Tenhumberg, B., and Louda, S.M. Herbivore-mediated ecological costs of reproduction shape the life history of an iteroparous plant. American Naturalist 172, 141-149. [Reprint]

Lubben, J., Tenhumberg, B. Tyre, A.J., and Rebarber, R. Management recommendations based on matrix projection models: The importance of considering biological limits. Biological Conservation 14, 517-523. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Louda, S.M., Eckberg, J.O.,and Takahashi, M. Monte-Carlo analysis of parameter uncertainty in matrix models of the weed Cirsium vulgare. Journal of Applied Ecology 45, 438-447. [Reprint]


Tyre, A.J., Kerr, G.D., Tenhumberg, B. and Bull, C.M. Identifying mechanistic models of spatial behaviour using pattern-based modelling: an example from lizard home ranges. Ecological Modelling 208, 307-316.[Reprint]

Deines, A. Peterson, E, Ryan, R., Lubben, J., Keighley, A., Tenhumberg, B.  Rebarber, R. Townley, S. Boeckner, D., Boyle, J., Kogut, J., Tyre, A.J. Robust population management under uncertainty for structured population models. Ecological Applications 17, 2175-2183. [Reprint]


Tyre, A.J., Tenhumberg, B., and Bull, C.M. Identyfying landscape pattern from individual scale processes. Ecological Modelling 199, 442-450. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Siekmann, G., and Keller, M.A.Optimal time allocation in parasitic wasps searching for hosts and food. Oikos 113, 121-131. [Reprint]


Siekmann, G., Keller, M.A., and Tenhumberg, B. The sweet tooth of adult parasitoid Cotesia rubecula: ingnoring hosts for nectar? Journal of Insect Behavior 17, 459-476. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Tyre , A.J. Shea, K. and Possingham, H.P. Linking wild and captive populations to maximize species persistence: optimal translocation strategies. Conservation Biology 18, 1304-1314.[Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Tyre , A.J., Pople, and A. Possingham, H.P. Do harvest refuges buffer kangaroos against evolutionary responses to selective harvesting. Ecology 85, 2003-2007. [Reprint]


Tyre, A.J., Tenhumberg, B., Field , S.A. , Niejalke, D., Parris, K., Possingham, H.P.  Improving precision and reducing bias in biological surveys by estimating false negative error rates in presence-absence data. Ecological Applications 13, 1790-1801.[Reprint]

Tyre, A.J., Bull, C.M., Tenhumberg, B., and Chilton, N. Indirect evidence of density-dependent population regulation in Aponomma hydrosauri (Acari: Ixodidae), an ectoparasite of reptiles. Austral Ecology 28, 196-203.[Reprint]


Siekmann, G., Tenhumberg, B. and Keller, M.A. Feeding and survival in parasitic wasps: Sugar concentration and timing matters. Oikos 95, 425-430.[Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Keller, M.A., Possingham, H.P., and Tyre, A.J. Optimal patch leaving behaviour: a case study using the parasitoid Cotesia rubecula. Journal of Animal Ecology 70, 683-691. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Keller, M.A., and Possingham, H.P. Using Cox’s proportional hazard models to implement optimal strategies: en example from behavioural ecology. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 33, 597-607. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Keller, M.A., Possingham, H.P., and Tyre, A.J. The effect of resource aggregation at different scales: optimal foraging behaviour of Cotesiarubecula. The American Naturalist 158, 505-518. [Reprint]


Tyre, A.J., Tenhumberg, B., McCarthy, M.A., and Possingham, H.P. Swapping space for time and unfair tests of ecological models. Austral Ecology 25, 327-331. [Reprint]

Tyre, A.J., and Tenhumberg, B. Hidden mechanisms generate negative feedbacks in a stochastic model: a comment on Murray. Austral Ecology 25, 305-307. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Tyre , A.J., and Roitberg, B.D. Stochastic variation in food availability influences weight and age at maturity. Journal of Theoretical Biology 202, 257-272. [Reprint]


Keller, M.A., and Tenhumberg, B. (1999): New insights into the foraging behaviour of parasitic wasps. The Hymenoptera: evolution, biodiversity & biological control (eds. A.D. Austin & M. Dowton). CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood Victoria, Australia, 247 – 257.


Bouskila, A., Robinson, M.A., Roitberg, B. D., and Tenhumberg, B. (1998): Life-history decisions under predation risk: importance of a game perspective. Evolutionary Ecology 12, 701-715.


Tenhumberg, B., Keller, M.A., and Possingham, H.P. (1997): An application of SDP to generate simple behavioural rules: are parasitoids all thumbs? Proceedings, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Hobart, Tasmania, December 1997, 824-829.

Tenhumberg, B., and Poehling, H.M. (1991): Studies on the efficiency of syrphid larvae, as predators of aphids on winter wheat. - In: Polgar, L., Chambers, A.F.G. Dixon and I. Hodek (eds.): Behavior and impact of Aphidophaga. SPB Aca­demic Publishing, Den Haag, Netherlands, pp. 281-288. (4th Congress of Aphidophaga, Gödölö, Hungary, 1990).


Bouskila, A., Robertson, I. C., Robinson, M., Roitberg, B.D., Tenhumberg, B., Tyre, A.J., and vanRanden, E. (1995): Submaximal oviposition rates in a mymarid parasitoid: choosiness should not be ignored. Ecology 76 (6), 1990-1993. 

Tenhumberg, B. (1995): Estimating the predatory efficiency of Episyrphus balteatus in cereal fields. Environmental Entomology 24 (3), 687-691. 

Tenhumberg, B., and Poehling, H.M. (1995): Syrphids as natural enemies of cereal aphids in Germany: aspects of their biology and efficacy in different years and regions. - AGEE 52, 39-43. 


Samuel J. L. Gascoigne, Simon Rolph, Daisy Sankey, Nagalakshmi Nidadavolu, Adrian S. Stell Pičman, Christina M. Hernández, Matthew E. R. Philpott, Aiyla Salam, Connor Bernard, Erola Fenollosa, Young Jun Lee, Jessie McLean, Shathuki Hetti Achchige Perera, Oliver G. Spacey, Maja Kajin, Anna C. Vinton,  C. Ruth Archer, Jean H. Burns, Dylan Z. Childs, Pol Capdevila, Aldo Compagnoni, Elizabeth Crone, Thomas H. G. Ezard, Dave Hodgson, Tiffany M. Knight, Owen R. Jones, Eelke Jongejans, Jenni McDonald, Brigitte Tenhumberg, Chelsea C. Thomas, Andrew J. Tyre, Satu Ramula, Iain Stott, Raymond L. Tremblay, Phil Wilson, James W. Vaupel, Roberto Salguero-Gómez: A standard protocol to report discrete stage-structured demographic information, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (in press)

Laubmeier. A. N, Tabassum, N., and Tenhumberg, B.: Temperature fluctuation alters optimal predator community composition for anticipated biological control, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:998396
(doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.998396).

Tenhumberg, B.*, Dellinger, A.S., and Smith, S.D.: Modeling pollinator and non-pollinator selection on flower color variation, Journal of Ecology, 111 (4), 746-760 (


Watts JC, Hebets, E.A., and Tenhumberg, B: Mate sampling behavior determines the density-dependence of sexual selection, The American Naturalist 200 (4), 467-485. 

Edholm, C., Guiver, C., Rebarber, R., Tenhumberg, B., and Townley, S. Stabilization by adaptive feedback control for positive difference equations with applications in pest management. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON) 60 (4), 2214-2245.

Kody Holmes, Rodrigo Werle, John Lindquist, Melinda Jerka, Richard Rebarber, and Tenhumberg, B: Herbicide resistance evolution in Johnsongrass, Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 103 (2) 1-3 (

Kody Holmes, Rodrigo Werle, John Lindquist, Melinda Jerka, Richard Rebarber, and Tenhumberg, B: Modeling the evolution of herbicide resistance in weed species with a complex life cycle, Ecological Applications 32 (1) e02473 (


Tyre, A.J. and B. Tenhumberg: Making harvest management decisions robust to uncertainty, In: Eds Pope, K & Powell, L., Harvest of Fish and Wildlife: New Paradigms for Sustainable Management, CRC Press (

Reichenbach, M., Rebarber, R. and Tenhumberg, B.: Spectral properties of a non-compact operator in Biology, Journal of Mathematical Biology 82(6), 50 (

Guiver, C., Poppelreiter, N., Rebarber, R., Tenhumberg, B., and Townley, S. Dynamic Observers for Unknown Populations,, Discrete and Continuous Systems Series B 26 (6): 3279-3302 (doi: 10.3934/dc2020232).Discrete and Continuous Systems Series B 26 (6): 3279-3302 (

Watts JC, and Tenhumberg, B. Optimal resource allocation and prolonged dormancy strategies in herbaceous plants. Journal of Ecology 109 (1), 218-233 (


Bogdziewicz, M.; Calama, R.; Crone, E.; Espelta, J.; Lesica, P.; Marino, S.; Steele, M.; Tenhumberg, B.; Tyre, A.; Zywiec, M., and Kelly, D.: Fecundity and masting patterns: large reproductive variability and low synchrony in small and unproductive plants. Annals of Botany 126 (5). 971-979 (

Laubmeier, A.N., Rebarber, R., and Tenhumberg, B. Optimal predator communities for prey suppression demonstrate diversity in body mass and foraging area, Ecosphere 11 (10), e03271.



Watts J. C., Flynn, A., Tenhumberg, B. and Hebets, E. A. Contemporary sexual selection does not explain intraspecific variation in male display traits, Evolution 73 (9), 1927-1940  (

Pereira, A. E., Tenhumberg, B., Meinke, L.J., Siegfried, B.D. Southern corn rootworm adult emergence and population growth assessment after selection with vacuolar-ATPase-A dsRNA over multiple generations, Journal of Economic Entomology 113 (3), 1354-1364.


Haridas, C. V. and Tenhumberg, B. Modeling effects of ecological factors on evolution of polygenic pesticide resistance, Journal of Theoretical Biology 456, 224-232 (

Jadeja, S., and Tenhumberg, B. Presence of fruits decrease probability of retaining flowers in a sequentially flowering plant, AoB PLANTS 10 ply033,

Edholm, C. J., Tenhumberg, B., Guiver, C., Jin, Y., and Townley, S., Rebarber, R., Management of Invasive Insect Species using Optimal Control Theory,  Ecological Modelling 381, 36-45.

Tenhumberg, B., Crone, E.E., Ramula, S, and Tyre, A.J. Time lagged effects of weather on plant demography: drought and Astragalus scaphoides, Ecology 99, 915-925.

Watts J.C., Herrig A., Miller M., Jones T.C., and Tenhumberg B., Temporal variation in predation risk may explain daily rhythms of foraging behavior in an orb-weaving spider, American Naturalist 191, 74-87.


Jadeja, S., and Tenhumberg, B. Phytophagous insect oviposition shifts in response to probability of flower abortion owing to presence of basal fruits, Ecology and Evolution 7, 8770–8779.

Eager, E.A., Pilson, D., Alexander, H., and Tenhumberg, B., Assessing the influence of stochastic autocorrelations on the population dynamics of a disturbance specialist plant population in a random environment, American Naturalist 190, 570-583.

Werle, R., Tenhumberg,B., and Lindquist, J. L.:Modeling the Evolution of Shattercane Resistance to ALS-Inhibiting Herbicides in an ALS-Tolerant Sorghum Cropping System, Ecological Modeling, 343, 131-141. [Reprint]


Haridas, C. V.,  Meinke, L. J., Hibbard, B. E., Siegfried, B., Tenhumberg, B.  Density-dependent survival and temporal variation in temperature: Implications for insect population dynamics, Ecosphere 7 (5) e01287. 10.1002/ecs2.1287

Guiver, C., Mueller, M., Edholm, C., Rebarber, R., Jin, Y., Tenhumberg, B., Powell, J., and Townley, S. (2016) Simple adaptive control for positive linear systems with applications to pest management. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 76, 238-275. [Reprint]


Callahan, J., Rebarber, R., Strawbridge, E., Tenhumberg, B., Yuan, S.: Analysis of a coupled, n-patch population model with ceiling density dependence. International Journal of Difference Equations, 10, 137-159. [Reprint]

Forbes, V. E., Brain, R., Edwards, D., Galic, N., Hall, T., Honegger, J., Meyer, C., Moore, D. R. J, Nacci, D., Pastorok, R., Preuss, T. G., Railsback, S. F., Salice, C., Sibly, R. M., Tenhumberg, B., Thorbek, P., Wang, M. Assessing pesticide risks to threatened and endangered species using population models, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 11, 348-354. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Suwa, T., Tyre, A.J., Russell, L., and Louda, S.M. (2015) Integral projection models show exotic thistle is more limited than native thistle by ambient competition and herbivory, Ecosphere 6, art69. [Reprint]

Nolting, B. C., Hinkelman, T. M., Brassil, C. E., and Tenhumberg, B. (2015) Composite random search strategies based on non-directional sensory cues, Ecological Complexity 22, 126-138. [Reprint]

Haridas, C.V., Keeler, K. H., and Tenhumberg, B. (2015): Variation in the local population dynamics of the short-lived Opuntia macrorhiza (Cactaceae), Ecology 96, 800-807.  [Reprint]

Guiver, C., Logemann, H., Rebarber, R., Bill, A., Tenhumberg, B., Hodgson, D., and Townley, S. (2015) Integral control for population management, Journal of Mathematical Biology 70, 1015-1063.  [Reprint]


Haridas, C.V., Eager, E. A., Rebarber, R., and Tenhumberg, B. Frequency-dependent population dynamics: Effect of sex ratio and mating system on the elasticity of population growth rate, Theoretical Population Biology 97, 49-56. [Reprint]

Eager, E. A., Rebarber. R., Tenhumberg, B.: Modeling and analysis of a density-dependent stochastic integral projection model for a disturbance specialist plant and its seed bank, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 76, 1809-1834.  [Reprint]

Eager, E. A., Rebarber, R., and Tenhumberg, B.: Global asymptotic stability of plant-seed bank models, Journal of Mathematical Biology 69, 1-37. [Reprint]

Prendeville, H.R., Tenhumberg, B., and Pilson, D.: Effects of virus on plant fecundity and population dynamics, New Phytologist, 202, 1346-1356. [Reprint]

Eckberg, J.O., Tenhumberg, B., and Louda, S.M.: Native insect herbivory limits population growth rate of a non-native thistle, Oecologia 175, 129-138. [Reprint

Siegfried, B. D., Rangasamy, M., ,Wang, H.,, Spencer,T.,  Haridas, C.V., Tenhumberg, B., Sumerford, D. V., and Storer, N. P.: Estimating the frequency of Cry1F resistance in field populations of the European Corn Borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Pest Management Science, 70, 725-733. [Reprint]

Purandare, S.R, Tenhumberg, B., and Brisson, J.: Comparison of the wing polyphenic response of pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) to crowding and predator cues, Ecological Entomology 39, 263-266. [Reprint]


Eager, E. A., Herbert M., Hellwig, E., Hernadez, F., Rebarber, R., Tenhumberg, B. and Wigiantio, B.: Global attracting aquilibria for coupled systems with ceiling density dependence, International Journal of Difference Equations  8, 179-193. [Reprint]

Hinkelman, T. M., and Tenhumberg, B. Larval performance and kill rate of convergent ladybird beetles, Hippodamia convergens, on black bean aphids, Aphis fabae, and pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum, Journal of Insect Science 13, Article 45. Available online: http//

Eager, E., Haridas, C.V., Pilson, D., Rebarber, R., and  Tenhumberg, B. Disturbance frequency and vertical distribution of seeds affect long-term population dynamics: a mechanistic seed bank model, The American Naturalist, 182, 180-190. [Reprint

Haridas, C. V., Prendeville, H. R., Pilson, D., Tenhumberg, B.: Response of population size to changing vital rates in random environments, Theoretical Ecology 6, 21-29. [Reprint]

Ledder, G., and Tenhumberg, B. Creating an interdisciplinary research course in mathematical ecology, In: G. Ledder, J. P. Carpenter, and T. D. Comar (eds), Undergraduate mathematics for the life sciences: processes, models, and directions, Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Notes series, 81, p. 133-138. [Reprint]

Ledder, G., and Tenhumberg, B., and Adams, T.G. An interdisciplinary research course in theoretical ecology for young undergraduates, In: G. Ledder, J. P. Carpenter, and T. D. Comar (eds), Undergraduate mathematics for the life sciences: models, processes, and directions, Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Notes series, 81, p. 69-82. [Reprint]


Eckberg, J.O., Tenhumberg, B., and Louda, S.M. Insect herbivory and propagule pressure influence Cirsium vulgare invasiveness across the landscape, Ecology 93, 1787-1794. [Reprint]

Purandare, S. R., and Tenhumberg, B. Influence of aphid honeydew on the foraging behavior of Hippodamia convergens larvae (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Ecological Entomology 37, 184-192.[Reprint]

Rebarber, R., Tenhumberg, B., and Townley, S. Global asymptotic stability of density dependent integral projection models, Theoretical Population Biology 81, 81-87. [Reprint]

Townley, S, Rebarber, R., and Tenhumberg, B. A feedback control systems analysis of density dependent population dynamics, Systems & Control Letters 61, 309-315. [Reprint]

Eager, E., Rebarber, R., and Tenhumberg, B. Choice of density-dependent seedling recruitment function effects predicted transient dynamics: A case study with Platte thistle, Theoretical Ecology 5, 387-401.[Reprint]


Louda, S. M., Rand, T. A., Kula A. A. R., Arnett A. E., West, N., and Tenhumberg, B. Priority resource access mediates competitive intensity between an invasive weevil and native floral herbivores, Biological Invasion, 13: 2233-2248. [Reprint]

Keeler, K., and Tenhumberg, B. Population dynamics of western prickly pear,Opuntia macrorhiza (Cactaceae). Southwestern Naturalist, 56(2), 147–153. [Reprint]


Tenhumberg, B. Ignoring population structure can lead to erroneous predictions of population size. Nature Education Knolwedge, 1(10): 2,

Briggs, J., Dabbs, K., Riser-Espinoza, D., Holm, M., Lubben, J., Rebarber, B.,Tenhumberg, B. An Introduction to Integral Population Modeling. Mathematics Magazine 83, 243-257. [Reprint]

Miller, T.E.X., and Tenhumberg, B. Contributions of demography and dispersal parameters in the spatial spread of a stage-structured insect invasion: a comparison of local and global perturbation analyses. Ecological Applications 20, 620-633. [Reprint]


Lubben, J., Boeckner, D.,  Rebarber, R., Townley, S. and Tenhumberg, B. Parameterizing the growth-decline boundary for uncertain population projection models. Journal of Theoretical Biology 75, 85-97. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Tyre, A.J., and Rebarber, R. Model complexity affects transient population dynamics following a dispersal event: A case study with pea aphids. Ecology 90, 1878-1890. [Reprint]


Miller, T.E.X., Tenhumberg, B., and Louda, S.M. Herbivore-mediated ecological costs of reproduction shape the life history of an iteroparous plant. American Naturalist 172, 141-149. [Reprint]

Lubben, J., Tenhumberg, B. Tyre, A.J., and Rebarber, R. Management recommendations based on matrix projection models: The importance of considering biological limits. Biological Conservation 14, 517-523. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Louda, S.M., Eckberg, J.O.,and Takahashi, M. Monte-Carlo analysis of parameter uncertainty in matrix models of the weed Cirsium vulgare. Journal of Applied Ecology 45, 438-447. [Reprint]


Tyre, A.J., Kerr, G.D., Tenhumberg, B. and Bull, C.M. Identifying mechanistic models of spatial behaviour using pattern-based modelling: an example from lizard home ranges. Ecological Modelling 208, 307-316.[Reprint]

Deines, A. Peterson, E, Ryan, R., Lubben, J., Keighley, A., Tenhumberg, B.  Rebarber, R. Townley, S. Boeckner, D., Boyle, J., Kogut, J., Tyre, A.J. Robust population management under uncertainty for structured population models. Ecological Applications 17, 2175-2183. [Reprint]


Tyre, A.J., Tenhumberg, B., and Bull, C.M. Identyfying landscape pattern from individual scale processes. Ecological Modelling 199, 442-450. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Siekmann, G., and Keller, M.A.Optimal time allocation in parasitic wasps searching for hosts and food. Oikos 113, 121-131. [Reprint]


Siekmann, G., Keller, M.A., and Tenhumberg, B. The sweet tooth of adult parasitoid Cotesia rubecula: ingnoring hosts for nectar? Journal of Insect Behavior 17, 459-476. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Tyre , A.J. Shea, K. and Possingham, H.P. Linking wild and captive populations to maximize species persistence: optimal translocation strategies. Conservation Biology 18, 1304-1314.[Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Tyre , A.J., Pople, and A. Possingham, H.P. Do harvest refuges buffer kangaroos against evolutionary responses to selective harvesting. Ecology 85, 2003-2007. [Reprint]


Tyre, A.J., Tenhumberg, B., Field , S.A. , Niejalke, D., Parris, K., Possingham, H.P.  Improving precision and reducing bias in biological surveys by estimating false negative error rates in presence-absence data. Ecological Applications 13, 1790-1801.[Reprint]

Tyre, A.J., Bull, C.M., Tenhumberg, B., and Chilton, N. Indirect evidence of density-dependent population regulation in Aponomma hydrosauri (Acari: Ixodidae), an ectoparasite of reptiles. Austral Ecology 28, 196-203.[Reprint]


Siekmann, G., Tenhumberg, B. and Keller, M.A. Feeding and survival in parasitic wasps: Sugar concentration and timing matters. Oikos 95, 425-430.[Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Keller, M.A., Possingham, H.P., and Tyre, A.J. Optimal patch leaving behaviour: a case study using the parasitoid Cotesia rubecula. Journal of Animal Ecology 70, 683-691. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Keller, M.A., and Possingham, H.P. Using Cox’s proportional hazard models to implement optimal strategies: en example from behavioural ecology. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 33, 597-607. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Keller, M.A., Possingham, H.P., and Tyre, A.J. The effect of resource aggregation at different scales: optimal foraging behaviour of Cotesiarubecula. The American Naturalist 158, 505-518. [Reprint]


Tyre, A.J., Tenhumberg, B., McCarthy, M.A., and Possingham, H.P. Swapping space for time and unfair tests of ecological models. Austral Ecology 25, 327-331. [Reprint]

Tyre, A.J., and Tenhumberg, B. Hidden mechanisms generate negative feedbacks in a stochastic model: a comment on Murray. Austral Ecology 25, 305-307. [Reprint]

Tenhumberg, B., Tyre , A.J., and Roitberg, B.D. Stochastic variation in food availability influences weight and age at maturity. Journal of Theoretical Biology 202, 257-272. [Reprint]